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Showing posts from May 4, 2008

HL7 V3 Ready

The difficulties in mapping HL7V2.x to HL7V3.0 does not make a solution based on transformation and translation easy to implement. The difficulties encounter by initial adopters is making the total adoption of HL7V3.0 very difficult. Version 3 was created as a replacement for Version 2.x, but it is observed that the two versions are catering to distinct markets. However the impending success of major projects like UK-CFH is going to make HL7V3.0 a major standard and replace HL7V2.x in the longer run. It is a well known fact that big bang change of standards in applications deployed in clinical settings is a recipe for major disaster so proposal for a transition path to independent “V3-ready” implementations and “V3-ready” implementations of Version 2.x is required. The following approaches are proposals for an HL7V3.0 ready implementation. New HL7 V3 domains: Most of the domains which exist in HL7V2.x have equivalence in HL7V3.0 for e.g. ADT in V2.x has equivalent domain called Patien...