Today, in a story even the Huffington Post could not ignore, Rand Paul’s filibuster, which ended days ago, continued to pay dividends, not only to the rising star of the Republican Party’s campaign for the presidency of the United States, but also in his attempt to end the government’s collection of millions of American’s phone records without a warrant. The PATRIOT Act, signed into law by George Bush after the tragic 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001, has to be renewed by midnight on the night of Sunday, the 31 st of this month, or the powers granted to the American Intelligence community, specifically, those granted under section 215, which the NSA and others interpret as allowing them to collect millions of American’s phone records without a warrant, will end. That was what Rand Paul, whose father Ron Paul was one of the few Republicans in the House of Representatives not to vote for the PATRIOT Act on its first passing, took to the floor to filibuster aga...
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