Edison's invention of the ball apling phenomenal lights, if there are no words of Thomas Alva Edison, perhaps the world's darkness there's no light at night, maybe just light a candle or a torch that lights us at night. We as a generation later to respect for all services discovery. Here aladalh biography of Thomas Alva Edison Childhood He was born in Milan, Ohio, United States on February 11, 1847. In his childhood in the United States, Edison always got bad grades in school. Therefore, his mother let him out of school and teach them at home. At home with a small Edison can freely read scientific books and began to hold up a variety of scientific experiments alone. Although no schools, small Edison exhibit a deep curiosity and always wanted to try. Before reaching school age he was dissecting the animals, not to torture these animals, but driven by pure curiosity large. At the age of eleven Edison built a simple chemical laboratory in the basement of his father's house...
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