One in, one out. Loretta Lynch, the incoming, and Eric Holder, the outgoing, Attorneys General This morning, in his Weekly Address , the President complained that congress is not running smoothly. Loretta Lynch, his nominee to be the next Attorney General, the president says, should be allowed a confirmation vote by the Republican controlled Senate. Lynch would replace Eric Holder, the scandal ridden Attorney General, who has resigned effective upon the office being filled by a new appointee. Holder has been held in contempt of congress for previous mistakes. Mrs. Lynch would be the first black woman to be made Attorney General of the United States, and has a long and distinguished history as a prosecutor. So it could be understandable why some would think that she should not, as is now the case, have been waiting for confirmation to her position longer than the last five appointees combined. Democrats are outraged, or at least say they are, by this turn of events. With Senator Di...
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