It is a well-known fact that the financial services industry - and their regulators - often use bizarre language. For instance, Alan Greenspan, during his tenure as Chairman of the Federal Reserve System, was famous for achieving a level of incomprehension that spawned a generation of "Fed Watchers" needed to interpret him. However, the problem goes far beyond Mr. Greenspan, and one of the worst offenses committed by financial services is scientism. Scientism is the application of the language and methods of the natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, etc.) to problem domains that are completely outside of the realm of natural science. For instance, the term "financial engineering" has been used to describe a large set of practices which contributed significantly to the great financial crisis we are still living in. Having worked in asset securitization myself, I can assure anyone that whatever these practices were, they were certainly no form of "en...
Various Set Of Science, Knowledge and Facts