Hironobu Sakaguchi (1962) once served as the Director of Planning and Development for Square Co.., Ltd.. He is the creator of Final Fantasy game series. In 1991 he was given the honor of Executive Vice President and was recently appointed as President of Square USA, Inc.. In 2001, he founded he Mistwalker, which began operations three years later. Sakaguchi jointly establishing Square Masafumi Miyamoto in 1983. The first games they are not successful. He then decided to create his last job in the game industry with the rest of the money Square, and called it Final Fantasy. This game, beyond thought itself, it had skyrocketed, and he canceled his retirement plan. He then began the continuation of this game and now has made Thirteen Final Fantasy game. After the first six games are marketed, it is more eksektuif served as producer for this series and many other Square games. Sakaguchi has a long career in the game industry with sales of more than 80 million video game units worldwide. Sa...
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