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Showing posts from February 1, 2009

The Verbose HL7V3- Part 1

In Mid-2006 Gartner in a note on HL7V3 stated that HL7V3.0 messages are quite verbose and applications require considerable effect to understand and process the message. Gartner suggested that HL7V3 messages need a critical midcourse correction and suggested to HL7 Inc to act vigorously to make HL7V3 messages easier to use and more compact. In the next couple of posts I would look into the reasons and complications behind the verbose nature of HL7V3 and conclude by presenting the solutions on offer to overcome the problems associated with this verbose nature of HL7V3. This post will also help you to some extent to understand how to browse through an R-MIM. Why are HL7V3 Messages Verbose? HL7V3 messages are XML messages which are model driven and model driven XML are usually verbose in nature compared to custom written bespoke XML messages designed to convey the same information. Why do we need Model driven messages? Currently in the healthcare industry point-to-point messaging is commo...