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Showing posts from August 23, 2015

Democrats should think about getting "Bidencare"

Vice President Joe Biden is contemplating a run for the presidency Los Angeles, CA - In the halls of the New York Campaign Headquarters of Hillary Clinton, there is trouble brewing. Two days ago, a poll was released showing that 61% of Americans feel that the former first lady is untrustworthy. In key battleground states, Clinton is losing support of far left-wing socialist Bernie Sanders, and Mrs. Clinton is beginning to elicit lower and lower favorability ratings. As if all that were not bad enough, now she is being investigated by the FBI for possible illegal activities involved her email scandal. The Democratic Party is already in trouble across the nation as they are beginning to feel a lack of young talent springing up across the country due to the fact that Republicans control so many state houses, thus denying the upper echelons of the party new faces and names which are so pivotal to remaining the ruling party. With Clinton in trouble, with Sanders not even a registered Democr...

Mr. Obama Would Like to Shut Down the US Government

Somewhere in the Californian Desert – In about one month, barring anything unforeseen, the government of the United States will shut down. Now don’t panic, it’s not as bad as it seems. The police officers will still be there, the peace will still be kept, and the sun will still rise in the morning, (reports indicate that the sun’s light is actually not paid for by the US taxpayers, but I digress.) However, the fact remains that the current allotment of money to the US government, passed by congress, runs out on the 30 th of September, and many government entities will close or be forced to work with only “necessary” staff until the congress passes a new bill granting more money, which, since they are currently in recess, and are not even involved in talks, will force them to scramble when they return to work in over a week from now. It would seem that this would be a bipartisan thing-keeping the government running. And indeed there is support on both sides of the aisle and from the Whi...

Obama, Where is the Change We Can Believe In?

 The bulls are dead  L anders, CA— Six years ago, just weeks before the 2008 General Election, we had what is now called The Great Recession. The Republicans were in office, and the Democratic nominee, Senator Barak Obama, blamed the government and Wall Street for what had happened. Obama renewed his calls for “Change we can believe in!” And Americans bought it, and the senator became the president, and we’ve had six years of “good times.” But yesterday, when I woke up, it was to hear FOX News’ Shepard Smith screaming that this was one of the worst financial disasters is American history. As the stocks plunged and those who had bought supposedly safe securities in America, China, and around the world started losing money, billions, possibly trillions of dollars gone in hours, the other stock that was dropping was Obama, and he now looks like a much worse investment than he did to his liberal supporters six years ago. The reason Wall Street fell in 2008 was hashed out in the months th...