GOP Nominee Hopeful, Ted Cruz, Sen. R.-TX Austin TX- Ted Cruz, th e J r. Senator from Texas and a candidate for the GOP Nomination for President says his first memory, is as a young child, blowing a kazoo in the supermarket. His mother, having a lot on her mind told him to stop the racket. He wouldn’t do it. She warned him again, but he kept right on blowing loudly and making a noise. She took the young Ted Cruz home and spanked him. Fast forwarding now to the present day and not much has changed. Cruz still will not be quiet, despite many people asking him to keep it down. Take for example, the very book that the anecdote about the kazoo is taken from. Entitled A Time for Truth, it is the usual book of a modern Republican candidate running for the nomination. He tells his story about his life, attempting, (with some limited success) to remain humorous while at the same time portray (in Cruz case truthfully) his story as one of rags to riches. Then later in the book he lays ...
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