A while back I blogged on Univocal, Equivocal, and Analogous terms. Thomas Aquinas wrote about these in Summa Theologica , so it is not really a new topic. That said, I think that how we deal with these three classes of term in information management is a fairly murky area, and requires the development of practical guidance. Let’s start with analogous terms. What is an analogy? The Free Dictionary provides the following definition: similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise dissimilar. [http://www.thefreedictionary.com/analogy, accessed 2012-06-29] This is a reasonable start, but I think that we need to understand a lot more about analogous terms in information management. I would suggest that an analogous term is: a term used to signify a concept that uses all or part of a term which signifies a second concept that is better understood. There are supposed to be attributes in common between the two concepts (ofte...
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