The modern Sherlock Holmes, with an iPhone and a laptop. His friend Dr. Watson was wounded in Afghanistan, where the British are fighting today, and the same place the orig- nal Dr. Watson was fighting when he was wounded, about a hundred and thirty years ago. In the first episode of the show Sherlock, the modern rendition of Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories about Sherlock Holmes, which portrays Sherlock in the 21 st century with an iPhone and a laptop, and written by the same writer as Dr. Who , the first words Sherlock Holmes utters to Dr. Watson when he enters the room upon their meeting are “Afghanistan, or Iraq?” Dr. Watson was an army medic, and with the British army in Afghanistan, where he was wounded. The original story was of course set in 1881, and although Moffat did change the story a great deal, he did not have to change this. The original Dr. Watson was also wounded In Afghanistan, also with the British army, also fighting armed, angry, radial insurgents. It illus...
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