im Today our nation turns 239 years old. We've had a wild ride to get here. World Wars and Civil War, terrorist attacks and massive economic upheaval. And through it all we remain committed to the ideals of our founders, that we "are, and of a right ought to be free" and that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." We have our differences. Some still fly the Confederate Flag, maintaining that it is a symbol of honor, while other deride it. And some fly the Rainbow flag. And yet through it all we remain, all of us, Americans. Throughout our history, from the time when Patrick Henry stood and shouted "give me liberty or give me death" we have been a nation roused by great speeches. In the darkest days of the Civil War, the only time, somewhat surprisingly, when we stopped arguing with each other and started killing one another, Ab...
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