Houston, TX – In recent months, hundreds of millions of Americans across the country have been horrified by images of police brutality in locals as different as South Carolina, Florida, and California. We have watched in disgust as we have seen men and women mercilessly beaten, and sometimes tragically killed by those who are supposed to protect them. And now, again, another scandal is rocking the nation. This scandal goes beyond skin color. It is about those who are being discriminated against and killed not because of their ethnicity, but because of their size, and their status as unborn children. Just as most of us knew, before the videos that portrayed the deaths of such men as Walter Scott, shot in the back by a police officer is South Carolina, that there was police brutality, the shocking images on the evening news forced us to stop ignoring it. So in the same way we all know that abortion on demand, the greatest mistake ever propagated by the American Supreme Court when it uph...
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