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How to Increase internal phone memory of Samsung Galaxy Y S5360

Samsung Galaxy Y Young S5360 is one of the popular entry level android smartphone today. But because it is relatively cheap, it does have its limitation. One is its internal phone memory storage. Samsung Galaxy Y has only 160MB of internal storage. Here’s the good news, now you can actually increase that to make room for more apps and games. How? I’ll show you.
Here’s the thing, we are not actually gonna replace any parts of your Galaxy Y or unlock something to increase it’s internal memory. We’re going to make use of the external SD card. Below are the steps on how to increase the internal phone memory of Samsung Galaxy Y S5360.

Note: This procedure is not limited to Samsung Galaxy Y alone and it can also be done in other android smartphones. And proceed with CAUTION. If you’re not careful you will experience data loss in your Samsung Galaxy Y/android smartphone.
Try this procedure at your own risk. I will not be held responsible if you messed up and something happens to your phone
Needs to Download :
1.CWM : click here
2.Link2sd : click here

Instructions :
1. You will need to root your Samsung Galaxy Y. If your phone is still not rooted read this: How
to Root and Unroot Samsung Galaxy Y (Young GT-S5360)
2.Please proceed with caution and backup your data first!.
3.What we are setting out to do is to make the device recognize the external memory card as an internal memory.
3.Switch off your phone and boot up into recovery mode by pressing the following keys at the
same time; Volume up +Home button +lock button
4.Now you are in Recovery mode here Touch screen does not work use volume up and down button to scrool and home button to select.
4.Select “apply update from sd card”, then select “” On the screen “ClockworkMod Recovery v”, select “advanced” On the screen “Advanced and Debugging”, select “Partition SD Card” On the screen “For Ext Size”, 
6.Select the size you will want your new internal memory storage to be.
A max size of 1024 MB (1GB) is advised because of stability issues.
7.On the screen labelled “swap size”, select 0M Now you wait a few minutes for your SD card to be partitioned.
8.Afterwards, select “reboot recovery”, then select “reboot system now”.
9.Your phone will reboot. Now Select link2sd Choose “recreate mount script”, then select “ext3″
10.Reboot your phone. After your phone reboots, you may launch the linksd app again and move installed software to the partition you created by “linking” them.

Please note that you will not notice any increase in the size of your internal memory after this procedure when you check via your phone settings but what it does is that subsequent installations are made directly on your SD card subject to the maximum size you partitioned.
Now i have a 1GB Samsung
Galaxy Y Duos GT-S5360. Life is indeed Good … MUKESH


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