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How To Trace Exact Location Of Mobile Phone

There are many instances when we want to know where our friends are, where our parents are, and for those who've got a pair, where is my girl-friend or boyfriend. ! Well there are many apps in the market which allow you to get exactly the pin-pointed location of  any cellphone. But the problem is they cost too high. Well today I'm gonna show you a process by which you can trace the exactmobile location of any cell phone without the need to spend a single penny. What you need is listed below, and i'm sure most of us already have what is needed.


Any cell phone that supports Google maps. eg. iPhone , Nokia , Blackberry , Symbian etc.

Google Latitude. Which you can download by going to from your cell phone.

Go to from your cell phone.
Download the free app.
Open the App.
Enter You mobile number in the entry Field.
Now You've set it up on your phone. Now you gotta set it up on your friends cell phone. 


You can add friends by their E-mail Addresses. Your friends will receive an E-mail with the downloadlink of Google latitude. 
Or you can manually add yourself or ask your friend to add google latitude on his/her cell phone. 
Now you and your friend can add each other as friends on google latitude and you'll get the exact location of where your friends cell phone is.
There is exactly no limit to how many friends you can add in your latitude circle. ( just make sure you dont add your parents :) 
Well so As soon as You and your buddy confirm each other as friends you get to see each others location.

Well the most eye catching feature of google latitude is that you can use it online even without a cell phone.
Just go to from you PC, Follow the instructions, log-in into your account. And track You friends Locations !!

Enjoy (-_-)


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